Hopeless Days


Alas, oh yes, it is hopeless to see

That you will never agree with me

There is a doubt that you will always have

No amount of time will offer a salve

For you are restricted by your own will

And of changes now, you have your fill

Nothing can change your opinion pool

I simply have not gotten the proper tool


So I will go on with the faintest of hope

You will not be tied, no matter the rope

A change is something obscure and remote

I simply have nothing in my tool tote

On and on without any correction

No alterations or change of direction

A faint glimmer appears over time

But is shattered quickly without rhyme


So life is constant, an unbroken string

And so little now does it mean anything

Just a line of days taken in a row

Where it ceases I surely don’t know

But it seems that it will be a relief

Since daily life is a flood of grief

With no hope of a shining star

However long, it will be too far



Barbara Blackcinder

About Barbara Blackcinder

I am a poet/writer with a hunger for words. There are so many out there that I haven't used yet. They define all reality and especially mine when you read those from me.
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